Monday, June 26, 2023

Portfolio 2 Week 2 Mid Project

Worked on the high-res this week. I am still not sure if this is what I want for the final design. I tried to have believable anatomy, but the anatomy is still off from being realistic. 

Week 2 - high res

Week 3 - finish high res and retopo

Week 4 - texture

Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Sprint #3 Delivery Angel VS Demon *Mature Content Nudity*

*Mature Content Nudity* For sprint 3 I am very behind. I am supposed to have the high res and retopology done. I am still working on the high res. I had some tech issues that are fixed, but unfortunately, I lost hours of progress. Otherwise, I would have probably been done with the high res for this turn-in. I need just enough high-res to make sure that I establish the form for retopology. Retopology should be done before the next sprint, but retopo is also the bane of my existence. After retopology is done, I will have a second phase of high res for the tertiary details (this will not block anyone else), then on to the homerun of texturing. The loss of work was actually a good thing. I learned about the problem I was having and realized better ways I can make the sculpture for retopology.

Main reference used for high res details

GoFullPage doesn't wat to work for me!

Added the high-res mesh for proof and presentation purposes. 

Monday, June 19, 2023

Portfolio 2 Week 1 SWAG Monster

 I am making the monster for a game being developed by SWAG. It will be a spooky thing following the main character of the game. It is a wendigo-type monster that was originally going to have more of a werewolf design, hence the werewolf sketches and ref board. I'll still try to incorporate features of a werewolf. This is a proxy/low res version that is still in development.

Week 1  - Design proxy/low res
Week 2 - Finish fleshing out the low res and finish high res
Week 3 - Retopo
Week 4 - Texture

I plan to make the monster have more features from these sketches. 

Monday, June 12, 2023

Portfolio 1 Week 4 Final Turn In

"Know, oh prince, that between the years when the oceans drank Atlantis and the gleaming cities, and the years of the rise of the Sons of Aryas, there was an Age undreamed of, when shining kingdoms lay spread across the world like blue mantles beneath the stars - Hither came Conan, the Cimmerian, black-haired, sullen-eyed, sword in hand, a thief, a reaver, a slayer, with gigantic melancholies and gigantic mirth, to tread the jeweled thrones of the Earth under his sandalled feet."
I wish I did you better justice Conan. I did as much as I could with the time I had. Conan didn't turn out as awesome as I imagined. I used Substance Painter instead of 3D Coat. I didn't have enough time to learn a new program and I also wanted to see if I could develop a painterly style with Substance. In Unreal, I had specularity issues with the AO around Conan's hair and legs, which is why it looks odd. I also would have posed him in Zbrush. I would improve upon everything if I redid this assignment. Hannah's lighting rig was used for the Unreal screenshots. Thanks Hannah!

Color and Style Reference 

Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Sprint #2 Delivery Angel VS Demon *Mature Content Warning of Nudity*

*Mature Content Warning of Nudity* Since the last sprint, I redesigned and remade the demon proxy. The high res version is not complete, but the form is established in order to start retopologizing and to send it off asap for the rigger and animator. Once the retopology is done, I will have plenty of time to refine the high res and texture. Whoo-hoo! The demon Asmodeus is a demon of lust. He has some obvious male genitalia, and the mouth running down the entire front is the female aspect. Watched an Alien marathon while sculpting the high-res. H.R.Giger is a big influence on the design of the details.


I am having trouble connecting to perforce to push the files. Will push them asap.

Monday, June 5, 2023

Portfolio 1 Week 3

 For week 3 of Conan, I retopologized and UVed Conan and his accessories. Conan's body parts are on one UV map, and his accessories on another. I fixed his axe to look better in structure, as well as some of his anatomy. At the moment, I am having trouble baking Conan's sword. Once I get that fixed, it's onward to 3D Coat.

Week 1 - Plan and Low res

Wek 2 - High Res

Week 3 - Retopo and practice Coat 3D.

Week 4 - Texture with coat 3D, pose.

Portfolio 3 Week 2 Mid Project

I decided to kill two birds with one stone by studying anatomy and practicing VR Sculpting simultaneously. I am a week behind now, but I pla...