Monday, January 30, 2023

Module 1 - Simple Character Creation Part 03

The creature box alien portrait is finished.

Unreal Engine Portrait


Reference and finished asset comparison

Low Res, High Res, Bake

Substance Painter Texturing

Unreal Engine

Yeah, four texture sets. I wasn't thinking right.

Friday, January 27, 2023

Lighting Workshop Module #

For this week's lighting assignment we focused on learning how to add grunge maps to our materials to give subtle and realistic textures in Unreal Engine 5. 


Monday, January 23, 2023

Module 1 - Simple Character Creation Part 02

I retopologized the high-res mesh of my Creaturebox sculpture in Maya for this week's assignment. Made the Uv's and a first bake in Substance. The low-res will need to be fixed. The Poly count for the low res came out to 10773. I still stink at retopology.

Low, High, Baked




Boo boos

Friday, January 20, 2023

Lighting Workshop Module #2

 For this week's assignment, I lit a mesh in Unreal Engine 5 by practicing focus with the camera view, lighting with an HDRI backdrop, directional light, and a post-process volume.

It was difficult for me to find the right camera and object distance ratio to achieve the correct focus.

HDRI background used

Monday, January 16, 2023

Module 1 - Simple Character Creation Part 01

For the first assignment of 3D Art II, we are assigned to sculpt a creature from Creaturebox using Zbrush. The first step in the process is to upload a reference image, which I applied using the spotlight method. I then matched primitive shapes with the image to block out the sculpture and gain the correct proportions. However, matching an image with an illustrative three-quarter view was difficult. I kept messing up the symmetry and it looks terrible from the front. The use of saved cameras was super helpful!

It was easier for me to block out the sculpture and make the proxy version using only a sphere and planes for the fins. If I were sculpting a full-body creature, I would have used primitive shapes or zspheres to block out the sculpture.


Yeah...I think I'll make this sculpture symmetrical.

Spotlight Method

Still working on the details.

Friday, January 13, 2023

Lighting Workshop Module #1

For the first assignment in Common Art II, I lit a model with 3-point lighting with Maya Arnold.

Lighting is more difficult than I'd like to admit. I had the perfect lighting setup. I think it was a magical glitch. Then the rim light, which is what made it awesome, somehow got lost in the wind. I spent five hours trying to get it the way it was with no luck. I understand that the blue light in my setup is not exactly "rim" light, and is more of a highlight. I tried the best that I could working with this sculpture's broad shape, which I think has a lot of points that could be emphasized. So I chose to emphasize the face with the rim light. Also, it would be helpful if the Arnold RenderView didn't take so long to render. Otherwise, I enjoyed this assignment and lighting! Lighting makes everything very beautiful and satisfying.

The use of saved cameras was super helpful!

Portfolio 3 Week 2 Mid Project

I decided to kill two birds with one stone by studying anatomy and practicing VR Sculpting simultaneously. I am a week behind now, but I pla...